Transcript of Summons of James Dowler
Jas Dowler & Ann Harris Adultery
James Benson Doctor of Law Vicar General in Spirituals of the Right Reverend Father in God Samuel by divine Permission Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester and of his Episcopal Consistory Official principal lawfully constituted To our Beloved in Christ. Thomas Okey our literate and sworn mandatory Greeting we Firmly injoin and command you That you forthwith Cite or cause to be cited James Dowler late of the Parish of Bourton on the Water in the County and Diocese of Gloucester and Ann Harris of Bourton on the Water aforesaid Widow to appear before us our Surrogate or some other Competent Judge in this Behalf in the Cathedral Church of Gloucester and Bishop's Consistorials place there on Thursday the Seventh day of November next ensuing at the usual hour for hearing of Causes there then and there to answer to certain Articles positions or Interrogatories to be exhibited to them touching the health of their Souls and the lawful correction and reformation of their Manners and particularly for the Crime of Adultery Fornication or Incontinency by them committed and the said Ann Harris for having had a Bastard Child or at least the Fame thereof, at the promotion of John Haines & Stephen Matthews Churchwardens of Bourton on the Water aforesaid & further to do and receive in this behalf as Justice shall require and what you shall do in the Promisses do you lawfully certify Us our Surrogate or other competent Judge in this behalf together with those presents. Given under the Seal of our Office the Twenty first day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eighty two.
Thos Rudge D Regn
(On Reverse)
Served the within Named persons personally
Ann Harris Octer 30th
James Dowler Nov 1st 1782
J Tho Okey
Transcribed from the original document Ref GDR B4/1/336 held at Gloucester Archives