Transcript of Indenture of Apprentice of Robert Wake Rowlands
This Indenture witnesseth that Robert Wake Rowlans Son of Joseph Rowlans of Notgrove in the County of Gloucester yeoman hath put himself and by these presents Doth voluntarily and of his own will and accord put himself Apprentice unto Joseph Rowlans his Father of Notgrove aforesaid in y said County a Taylor to Learn his art Trade and mistery after y manner of an Apprentice to serve him from this second day of February 1731/2 for and During the full term of Seven (four?) years from Thence next ensuring During all which term the said Apprentice his said Father and master shall Faithfully serve his s------ Shall keep his Lawfull Commands ensuring whence obey he shall do no Damage to his said father and master nor see it to be Done by others without ---ing or giving notice thereof to his said father and master he shall note waste his said father and master goods nor lend them unlawfully to any he shall not Commit Fornication nor Contract matrimony within the said term at Cards Dice or any other unlawful game he shall not play whereby his said father and master may ------ Damadg in his own goods or the goods of others. He shall not absent himself Day nor night from his father and masters service without his leave nor haunt ale houses Taverns nor play houses but in all things shall behave himself as a faithfull apprentice ought to do During the said term and the said father and master shall use his utmost Endevour to teach and instruct or cause to be tought or instructed the said Apprentice trade art or mistery of a Taylor in the ------manner that he can and procure and provide for him sufficient of meat Drink washing and lodging fitting for an apprentice and also all manner of wearing apparel both wollin and linen during the said term and for the true performance of all and singular above written Covenant and agreement the said partyse to these presents have interchaingeably set their hand and seals this second day of February in the fifth year of the Reign of our Sovreign Lord George the Second by the grace of god over Great Brittain France and Ireland King Defender of the faith Anno Dom 1731/2
The mark and seal of Joseph Rowlans
Signature and seal of Robart Wake Rowlans
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Henry Bye
Robert Wake
Transcribed from the original document Ref GDR B4/1/336 held at Gloucester Archives